
bitchin' bar.GOD she was a bitch J She got me into this joint, and whether or not she liked it,she would get me out.This bar was the creepiest place I have ever seen in my entire fucked up. life.I thought that joint in i the mall would beat it,but it wasn't even close.At every table there were homo's, T.V.s and some people I. couldn't tell what they were.Every table in that place, had, some kind of life gain* on in it that made, them rack.But the tables shaking might have been, the. punk rock group on stage with mohawk haircuts jumping up and down an their fingers and hitting their haeds on the ceiling.That might be what made the tables shake.Or it might have been the people in the specially designed closets that were fucking the night away when they thought, no one was lodk-ing.That, might, have shook, the table s. May be it was Paula DjLxai jumping up and down in anger when I told her I wouldn't go with her in one of those closets that, shook the tables. Whatever it was.,I knowr. that Paula Dixon tried to lay me-a Catholic-in a dark room full of buffallo shit.What the hell was a bunch of buffallo shit doing in a backroom of a crappy bar like this?I guess the words of that question an swerXMX it right there."I was circling the tables in the bar while William Scott kept a fair distance from me thinking I'd twist his, skull out If I grabbed him.He was probably right.
I never felt so: fierce in my life.I felt like A mad lion at-raeking the Christians, in me.de vil Rome .William, was eyeing me curiously,as if he thought I was lying.
"You. hastsrdJYou think I'm lying,don't you?Well tell you what.I'll pick up this saltshaker,and I'll pick up this . empty glass,and I'll chuck It at your skull and smash both 1 of:-them all over the wall.How do you like that?HUHi 11C' mon you fagot,try something on me now.Make yourself sorry you asked me. what the hell happened that night..
She threw me in a room and tried to lay me.She didn't, get very far,but she remembered every second of it.We were in the corner of the room,but I don't think she knew where we
- Author
- mark thomas